حسين هشام
2024-05-22 15:45

I want to ask everyone, what's the fuel economy of your Outback?

Comments( 12 )

عبد العزيز طيب
عبد العزيز طيب2024-08-04 13:27
2023 model 8.1 after all, driving with the AC on.
عبد العزيز عائشة
عبد العزيز عائشة2024-08-02 22:18
My 2.0T consumes 9 liters per 100 km.
سلمان شعيب
سلمان شعيب2024-08-02 21:54
My national highway 6, on average, absolutely never exceeds 8.
سعود بدر الدين
سعود بدر الدين2024-06-13 11:18
Dashboard 7, Car system 7.3. Just wondering why these two are different.
أكبر خالد
أكبر خالد2024-06-10 22:35
7.9 in the city
محمد عامر
محمد عامر2024-06-10 10:41
The 2023 Outback, mostly driven in urban areas and on highways, shows a combined fuel consumption of 7.1 on the display. The actual consumption is around 7.5.
1 replies
سلمان يوسف
سلمان يوسف2024-06-08 15:21
Highway speed 120-140 km/h, around 7.5 liters; in the city with stop-and-go traffic, 10-12 liters, DTI.
1 replies
سلمان لاويل
سلمان لاويل2024-06-07 18:10
In rural areas, it uses around 10.5.
سلمان لاويل
سلمان لاويل2024-06-07 18:09
Speedometer shows 6.1 at a speed between 100-120 km/h.
خالد أمينة
خالد أمينة2024-06-06 17:33
City driving: 11, Highway: 7.