حسين هشام
2024-05-20 15:23
I'm considering changing my car and looking at the Highlander and the Outback. Any good advice?
Comments( 13 )
عبدالرحمن شرف2024-06-13 18:09
Fuel-efficient, easy to drive, and the driving feel is definitely top-notch.
محمد بندر2024-06-13 11:26
These are two completely different styles and purposes of cars. [I want to stay quiet]
سعود ستار2024-06-12 06:46
The current fourth-generation Highlander comes in two versions: a 2.5 hybrid and a 2.0T fuel vehicle. The 2.5 hybrid has a fuel economy of around 6 liters during everyday driving and 7-10 liters during aggressive driving, with acceleration around 8 seconds. Subaru, which has been acquired by Toyota, has a sibling model to the Highlander called the Subaru Ascent, which is not introduced in the domestic market. The Outback's main issue is its significantly limited power, with only 169 horsepower for such a large vehicle, compared to 184 horsepower abroad. Subaru is quite strong in terms of its boxer engine, all-wheel-drive system, and active safety features. As a tech-oriented car company, Subaru’s dedication to technology is admirable. I think the two cars have different positioning and orientations: the Highlander offers 7 seats, while the Outback has better off-road capability. It's best to choose based on your needs. Lastly, is there any way to boost the power?
نايف هارون2024-05-30 11:35
What are the other advantages of the Highlander besides brand, resale value, spaciousness, and easy maintenance? [Grin] Unfortunately, these are exactly what Chinese people want! Who cares about the Outback's handling, interior materials, and four-wheel drive performance?
2 replies
عبدالله خلف2024-05-30 10:24
Buying a used Subaru Outback or a new Toyota Highlander?
خالد سلطان2024-05-24 16:12
Compared to the Outback, the Highlander is quite ordinary and lacks distinct features.
عبدالله إياس2024-05-22 21:54
Outback forum replies with Outback, Highlander forum replies with Highlander [I want to be alone]
2 replies
سلمان يوسف2024-05-21 12:56
If you're looking for durability, power, and peace of mind, go for the Highlander. If you prefer some handling, personality, and often go on long trips, choose the Outback.
خالد لطيف2024-05-21 07:50
محمد أم2024-05-20 18:44
I have to choose the Haval.