عبدالله بدر
2020-11-29 00:36
2015 Subaru Outback with 50,000 km, the brake feels very hard when starting the car, but it's normal after starting. What could be the reason?
Comments( 10 )
أحمد عبد الرحمن2021-01-02 11:18
It's normal for the brake pump to start working after the engine is started.
فهد سلمان2020-12-19 01:25
It's fine, it's normal. Mine had it too, I just ignored it.
عمر مصطفى2020-12-09 10:19
Check if there are any minor leaks in the vacuum booster hose.

آسيا حسين2020-11-30 09:24
This is normal. The braking system relies on the battery to function.
حسين عفان2020-11-29 21:05
You might still be stepping on the brake after turning off the power when parking.
نايف حازم2020-11-29 18:20
That depends on how long the interval is between the two starts. If it's within a day, the vacuum should be fully maintained. Otherwise, there might be a slight vacuum leak in the vacuum booster system. Ideally, the vacuum should hold for a long time, at least a day without any issues.

حافظ حسن2020-11-29 10:51
Delay caused by the power assist system.
عبد العزيز أسامة2020-11-29 07:04
Replace the vacuum tube.
حسن وحيد2020-11-29 07:01
The car won't start, and there's no brake assist!
سعود خلوق2020-11-29 04:49
When the vehicle is not started, the brake system doesn't have power assistance, so the brake pedal feels hard to press. However, once the vehicle is started, vacuum assistance kicks in, making the brake pedal feel softer.