I rented this car before, and it drives well. Why don't I see more of them on the road? I'm thinking about buying one. Would you recommend it? Now that I use a car more frequently, I'm considering buying one. Any recommendations from car owners?
Comments( 2 )
عبدالله رحمن2024-07-16 11:57
I bought it in August 2022. Back then, I wanted a gasoline car around 100,000 RMB that could be controlled remotely via a smartphone to turn on the air conditioning. It seemed like this was the only option at the time. After learning more about it and seeing that the loan rate was quite high, I decided to buy it after a test drive. After driving it for two years, I haven't encountered any major issues. However, I'm a bit worried about future repairs since there are not many of these cars around. I'm concerned whether the parts and repair costs might be expensive.
1 replies
عمر مكرم2024-07-15 20:29
The materials, handling, and safety are all quite good.