Not bad for a family SUV. Impressed with the traction control on the new hybrid Nissan X-Trail. Wet logs on the left and gravel on the right. #nissan #xtrail #nissanxtrail #nissanrogue #hybrid #ev #4x4 #fyp #offroad
Comments( 35 )
فهد زيد دين2025-01-16 18:10
عبدالله جمال2025-01-16 18:10
حسن مراد2025-01-16 18:10
Four wheel drive 🥺🔥
خليفة عمر2025-01-16 18:10
Bmw x3 f25
خالد طائي2025-01-16 18:10
hmm, testele sunt făcute sa fie ok. vreau ceva real. Drum, nu test. Din păcate, toate trec testul si doar unele reușesc, real🤷
نايف فارس2025-01-16 18:10
Auto hold
1 replies
عبدالله وهاب2025-01-16 18:10
سلمان معتمد2025-01-16 18:10
سلمان إلياس2025-01-16 18:10
Bizim traktör de 25 sene önce vardı bu sistem....pedala basarsın bütün tekerler kendini kilitler...