Just got a new 2.0T Nissan Altima. Is there a break-in period? The salesperson said there's no break-in period anymore, just drive it as you like.
Comments( 8 )
عبدالرحمن عاطف2024-11-29 22:12
For the first 5,000 kilometers, it's best not to exceed 120 km/h. After the first maintenance, you can gradually increase the speed. It's advisable to avoid aggressive driving.
حسين فيصل2024-11-28 20:24
Don't trust the salesperson, he told me that the Nissan Teana doesn’t need a transmission oil change! Can you believe it?
أحمد جابر2024-11-25 15:42
Most engines are broken in before they are assembled into the car. Not sure about the transmission.
1 replies
عائشة عبد العزيز2024-11-24 21:00
Transmission wanted.
1 replies
عبدالله مستعصم2024-11-24 15:22
Just drive casually. [I want to be alone]
علي فاتح2024-11-23 22:10
The manual has it, the salespeople are just being irresponsible by saying that.