عبد العزيز طلحة
2022-01-06 15:04
Is there an automatic two-wheel drive version of the Navara?
Comments( 7 )
عبدالرحمن مهدي2022-10-31 10:29
How much does the maintenance cost for a V73 chassis approximately?
1 replies
خالد غازي2022-01-11 00:18
Currently, the National VI models only come with a four-wheel-drive automatic transmission; there are no two-wheel-drive versions available.
عبد العزيز بشر2022-01-07 10:13
No automatic 2WD
سعود جعفر2022-01-07 08:36
The Navara automatic is only available in four-wheel drive, not in two-wheel drive.
محمد إدريس2022-01-07 06:33
Of course, it must have automatic dual-zone! 😊
حسن معاوية2022-01-07 02:31
Got it.
فهد أسامة2022-01-06 21:28
Sure thing!