عبد العزيز معاوية
2020-10-18 08:46
Is it easy for the Navara to maintain 110 mph on the highway?
Comments( 17 )
عبد العزيز عابدين2023-08-27 16:26
Easily 150
نايف جبريل2023-05-11 10:19
Easily handles 140.
حسن راضي2023-04-18 22:39
Just bought it, ran 2000 kilometers, and went 140 km/h on the highway in Yunnan without a license plate.
علي ظافر2023-02-20 21:52
I can easily drive at 170 km/h with manual 4WD [grin].
حسين أيوبي2022-04-30 22:14
No problem.
1 replies
عبدالرحمن يحيى2022-04-25 16:07
No problem.
علي تاج2022-04-21 18:46
Manual transmission, can easily pull one ton, and reach a speed of 140 km/h.

مستنصر نايف2022-04-17 00:19
It starts to shake at 190, but I often go 170.
5 replies
فهد زكريا2021-10-31 18:00
Very smooth, at 120 km/h it's around 2,300 RPM. I guess it can reach around 180 km/h without any issues.
2 replies
عبد العزيز أصغر2021-10-20 08:14
Easily reaches 140 with no issues.