عبدالرحمن نظيف
2023-12-10 02:28
Hurry up and enter China! Otherwise, you'll be pushed out by electric vehicles. I really don't understand Mazda's planning. The MX-5 also has a low presence in China...
Comments( 4 )

هارون أحمد2024-01-14 10:37
Why can't it get in? Because the car is too light. The fuel consumption can't go down. The weight-to-fuel consumption ratio doesn't meet the standards. So this fuel car can only be bought as a parallel import. The ND3 might be the last chance. Anyway, I'm planning to sell it.
علي صعدة2023-12-18 19:41
Are you coming in to buy?

وسيم عبد العزيز2023-12-17 20:56
With a budget of 400,000 RMB, it feels like getting completely ripped off.
عبد العزيز علي2023-12-10 11:53
No one is buying, so why come in?