سلمان عبد له
2024-08-06 09:19
Has any owner of the 3-motor version of the XP noticed a 4% drop in battery health after six months? I personally feel that I've taken good care of the battery, usually charging between 50% to 80% (slow charging), rarely using fast charging, and charging to 100% no more than five times. When not in use, I keep it plugged in and haven't driven aggressively or used the straight-line speed mode. Despite this, the battery health has still dropped by 4% in six months. Is anyone else experiencing the same thing?
Comments( 6 )
عبدالرحمن فريد2024-08-26 10:37
Official data is relatively conservative, with actual loss ranging from 2% to 4%. In fact, initial degradation shouldn't be a major concern.
عبدالرحمن جم2024-08-19 09:25
Ten months and the battery health is at 92%.
محمد نصر2024-08-14 19:12
I've heard that both the X and S have always used Panasonic 18650 batteries. The first 10% drops really fast, but then it slows down a lot.
1 replies
علي شعبان2024-08-12 03:43
Is the 4% decrease officially verified, or did you calculate that yourself? I've driven 70,000 kilometers, and it's only around 4% for me.
1 replies
حسن همام2024-08-08 07:47
You should fully charge your laptop battery once every two weeks to help redistribute and balance the battery capacity.
1 replies
عبد العزيز هلال2024-08-06 20:34
This is useless. How should I use it?