The 2014 Model S P85 makes a rattling noise from the right side of the chassis when going over small bumps, manhole covers, and speed bumps. I've already replaced the control arms, but the noise is still there. Does anyone else have the same issue? How can it be resolved?
Comments( 8 )
محمد معتصم2023-10-03 22:08
Shock absorber
عبد العزيز حبيب2023-09-27 18:38
Is it always like this [I want to be alone][I want to be alone]? Could it be an issue with the air suspension?
عمر مكرم2023-09-17 23:31
The car is from 2014, so the noise is most likely due to aging rubber parts.
أحمد عبدله2023-09-15 11:07
I don't care about it, anyway you can't hear it on the asphalt road.
زبيدي عمر2023-09-15 09:07
After visiting the 4S shop, the issue is resolved for a while, but it reappears after some time.
عبد العزيز شعبان2021-01-22 21:38
Shock absorber mount.
نايف إدريس2020-12-31 15:00
I've already replaced the right rear axle twice. The dealership said it's due to the weight of the SX and frequent rapid acceleration and deceleration (energy recovery).
أنس عبدالله2020-12-22 16:17
It could be an issue with the bushings on your chassis. Check if there are any damages to the bushings. Also, examine if there's excessive wear at the connection points.