I'm torn about deciding on the SP version. I saw a test drive review saying you can't always use the Plaid mode, so what's the acceleration like in the normal mode?
Comments( 7 )
عبدالرحمن عوض2023-01-15 11:03
You're really brave if you dare to floor it in normal mode for daily driving.
نايف له2023-01-12 17:06
The strongest feature of the P version is its sustained power in the later stages, which is the real game-changer.
علي ياسر2023-01-10 01:32
Insane mode is a one-way street; once you get used to it, even 3 seconds feels slow for the 01.
2 replies
أحمد وي2023-01-09 14:43
Definitely go for the Plaid!
1 replies
عبدالرحمن نور2023-01-09 09:21
That must be much better than the standard version. The acceleration of the standard version is probably at the level of the ET7. [I want to be alone] I still recommend the SP.
2 replies
عمر أكبر2023-01-09 00:46
2.3 seconds ~ 2.5 seconds
1 replies
بوتفليقة عبد العزيز2023-01-09 00:16
I don't know the exact 0-1 and 0-400 times in Plaid mode.