I'm deciding between a 2016 Model S 70D for 150,000 or a 2024 Toyota bz4x for 140,000.
Comments( 9 )
فهد أمينة2023-08-07 23:32
Important things need to be said three times: [I want some peace], don't overstep, don't overstep, don't overstep. Even if you buy it, you won't be able to enjoy the experience of a luxury car worth millions.
أحمد بهاء2023-08-07 10:01
With your budget, don't buy it. You won't be able to afford the repairs.
فهد هادي2023-08-03 08:18
Don't buy a car beyond your means; if the 2016 model's electric motor or battery needs replacement, how will you handle it? Even replacing a battery fuse could really hurt your wallet.
عبدالرحمن صابر2023-08-02 23:38
Is it from the batch with the facelift? How many kilometers? Why is it so cheap?
أحمد إياس2023-08-02 16:29
Why would you choose a Toyota for a new energy vehicle? [I just want some peace and quiet]
فريد حسن2023-07-31 12:25
Having trouble deciding on buying a used car?
1 replies
خالد عَبْدُ الْعَزِيز2023-07-30 17:08
Trust me, go with Toyota.
1 replies
عمر ميك2023-07-30 09:12
Spend a bit more to get the 2021 Model 3 Performance. It definitely drives much better than the 2016 Model S, and the interior won't be as worn out.