Noise issue, seeking advice from experts. I have a 2020 1.6 manual ASX. When driving on highways or national roads, once I go over 100 km/h, there's a knocking sound from the back after a bump, like a board isn't fixed properly. Yesterday, it was really annoying while on the national road. Even after stopping the car and restarting it, the knocking sound was still there. When I got home and tested it again, it was gone. This has been happening for a while, and I've checked multiple times but couldn't find the cause. Considering yesterday's situation, I suspect it might be an exhaust pipe issue. Has any fellow car owner experienced a similar problem?
Comments( 6 )
عبدالرحمن خدي2024-10-30 05:27
Try replacing the rear main control arm bushing (the biggest one). I have a 2013 model from 2015 with a manual transmission, and it worked for me!
علي فايز2024-10-01 14:56
My car makes noise at low speeds too, but I haven't found the issue.
حسين سلمان2024-09-12 17:33
Bro, I have the same issue. Have you found out the reason?
عبدالرحمن شعبان2024-09-08 20:04
Does the car make noise when it's parked and the engine is running?
خالد طاهر2024-08-01 00:19
Does it not make noise at low speeds?
خالد طاهر2024-08-01 00:19
Nope. [I want to be alone] [I want to be alone] [I want to be alone]