I've had my car for four and a half years and it's only done 36,000 km. It's a 2019 model with the 4J11 engine. Recently, when I start it cold, the engine struggles a lot. The RPM doesn't go up immediately, and the needle wobbles between 500 and 1000 for a few seconds, making it feel like it's about to stall. Then the RPM suddenly jumps to 2000-3000 before settling back to normal idle after a few seconds. There are no warning lights, and once it's running, everything seems normal. I've cleaned the carbon buildup and throttle, and checked the intake for leaks, but the issue persists. I'm not sure what to check next. What should I look into?
Comments( 6 )
عدي حسين2024-08-25 13:53
Yeah, no need to fuss about it. Mine does the same thing, the RPM gauge fluctuates during cold starts. I've never worried about it. I personally think it's just normal engine logic.
2 replies
فهد جواد2024-08-23 21:11
Haha, the engine oil temperature hasn't risen yet. Why are you doing so many unnecessary things? You're really a newbie.
1 replies
ميثا سلمان2024-01-23 11:15
Could it be an issue with the fuel quality? I had a similar problem before when I refueled at a non-official gas station, and it got better after changing the fuel.
عبدالرحمن عابدين2024-01-22 03:12
I fueled up at a rural gas station, and the next day, it was just like you described. Once I almost ran out of fuel and refueled, the issue was gone. In my case, it was the fuel quality causing the engine to sputter after starting.
1 replies
علي عبد الحكيم2023-11-29 21:43
Find a technician to connect the computer to the OBD port and reprogram the throttle.