How many kilometers can a 2020 ASX 2.0 run on a full tank? Thanks!
Comments( 13 )
حسن أكبر2024-03-13 09:50
It should be 10 liters! I have the 2019 model.
نايف زيد نايف2021-03-08 12:50
On the highway, it costs just over 0.5 units, and around 0.65 in the city.
عبد العزيز حازم2021-03-08 02:50
For commuting, the speed doesn't really get up. Around 650 or so.
2 replies
خالد فريد2021-03-08 02:24
The highway can reach 800 kilometers, maintaining a speed between 100 to 110 km/h.
سلمان فايز2021-02-17 07:34
Try it yourself and you'll know. Anyway, it's still quite fuel-consuming.
1 replies
باسم عبدالله2021-02-07 16:16
With a full tank costing about 300, you can cover around 650 kilometers, which is quite economical, especially considering it's a 2.0-liter engine.
1 replies
فاطمة عبدالرحمن2021-02-03 18:21
You guys are only getting 400-600 [Facepalm]. My 2013 2.0 gets over 900 but less than 1200 [Yay].
3 replies
عبد العزيز سعيد2021-02-02 22:35
Regular maintenance at 900 kilometers shouldn't be an issue. Just pay attention to the spark plugs, as they have a significant impact on this car's fuel consumption.
سعود وليد2021-02-01 06:53
I might have bought a fake ASX [Cool][Cool]. 2015 model 2.0, and a full tank gives me about 400 km [Cool][Cool].