My fuel consumption is too high, it's 18.8. How can I fix it? [crying]
Comments( 7 )
سلمان جعفر2022-03-05 01:18
Cleaning the oxygen sensor and throttle body.
فواز حسن2022-01-31 22:20
My 2010 model gets a combined fuel economy of 20 and 16 on the highway.
سلمان ناصر2021-12-31 10:02
My car uses 9 liters of fuel per 100 km on the highway and 14 liters per 100 km in the city when driving carefully.
عبدالرحمن يعقوبي2021-12-16 18:37
You need to check what the average speed is. If you're stuck in city traffic, it's normal for a 3.7-liter engine with a heavy vehicle. It might actually be fuel-efficient compared to others in its class.
حسين ناصر2021-12-14 05:17
In the city, I reset it and it's about 18.2, on the highway around 11.2.
حسين وليد2021-12-09 01:15
Sell it.
نايف طب2021-12-07 21:54
If there's nothing wrong with the car, drive more on the highway!