نايف تامر
2019-08-23 20:48

The actual fuel consumption of the 2008 imported Mazda3 1.6L is over ten in the city. Why is it so high? I wonder how the fuel consumption of other Mazda3 owners is like?

Comments( 9 )

أحمد محمد
أحمد محمد2024-11-21 00:39
Same here, 300 RMB for 350 kilometers, way too high.
سعود جمال الدين
سعود جمال الدين2021-11-21 13:01
Check the oxygen sensor. I just replaced mine, and the fuel consumption is still very high.
عبد العزيز تاج الدين
عبد العزيز تاج الدين2021-11-15 18:09
The 2008 1.6 automatic import Mazda 3 has an average fuel consumption of over 8 liters per 100 kilometers.
عبدالرحمن محمد
عبدالرحمن محمد2021-11-15 14:28
The comprehensive fuel consumption of the imported 2.0 Mazda 3 is around 10 liters per 100 kilometers, and with the air conditioning on in the summer, it's about 10.5 liters per 100 kilometers.
1 replies
عمر كاظم
عمر كاظم2021-11-15 07:58
Full tank gets around 400-420 km. Mine is a 1.6.
أرسلان عبدالرحمن
أرسلان عبدالرحمن2021-04-14 20:36
The same model car basically consumes 8 liters of fuel per 100 kilometers in the city.
عبدالله ميرزا
عبدالله ميرزا2020-02-28 11:59
The fuel consumption of a 4AT can only be like this.
آسيا سعود
آسيا سعود2020-01-31 21:04
The same model car costs 0.95 RMB per kilometer. It's getting expensive to drive. Not sure if there's a way to lower the fuel consumption a bit.
قابوس حسين
قابوس حسين2019-12-03 09:30
The second-generation Mazda3 shouldn't be like that, but if you're driving with a heavy foot on the gas, then it's normal. My third-generation Mazda3 is at 8.4 L/100km in the city and it's been 9 years. Time flies! I wonder when the next generation will come.