My 2010 imported Mazda 3 with a 1.6 engine occasionally triggers the alarm after locking. Does anyone know how to fix this?
Comments( 4 )
أحمد نظيف2021-03-27 22:19
I had the same issue before. Went to the dealership, and they said it was a problem with the door lock module. After replacing it, everything was fine.
كاظم عبدالرحمن2021-02-26 10:42
Once you open the hood, there's a wiring harness underneath. Just unplug it and it should be fine.
حسين مكي2021-01-22 17:15
This is a common issue, the door lock module problem.
خالد ستار2020-11-30 00:25
In your situation, just head over to a repair shop or a 4S store and have them use a diagnostic tool to reprogram your car's software. Then, re-pair the key with the car's system, and everything should be fine.