How do I replace the air conditioning filter in a Suzuki Liana?
Comments( 6 )
عبدالله فؤاد2021-08-02 16:03
The 1.4 model has an air conditioning filter located in the glove compartment in front of the passenger seat. The mechanic showed it to me.
2 replies
عبدالله أسماء2020-08-13 14:43
This car does not have an air conditioning filter.
3 replies
عمر حسين2020-08-08 15:09
I couldn't find the additive for my 1.6 last time either! Not sure if it really doesn't have it?
سلمان منذر2020-05-31 20:13
I have the same question about the 2008 1.6 manual.
خير الدين عمر2020-02-25 09:28
I don't know about the 1.6. The 1.4 doesn't have an air conditioning filter.
6 replies
نايف برهان2020-02-25 08:48
First, remove the glove box, and then you'll be able to see the air filter. Replace it with the same model air filter. It's located right under the glove box.