When accelerating and releasing the pedal in the 2023 1.5L model, there's a "clang" sound. Does anyone else have this issue? The 4S shop says it's the sound of the solenoid valve, but it wasn't there when I first got the car. It started after the 4,000 km maintenance, and now (at over 17,000 km), the sound is more noticeable. How can I check this? When the speed increases and I release the pedal, there's a sound. After releasing the pedal (without the speed dropping) and accelerating again, there's also a sound. A technician who's been at the 4S shop for three to four months says it's normal for the solenoid valve to make noise, but this sound only started after the first maintenance.
Comments( 3 )
عبدالله طاهر2024-12-04 23:51
The issue with the transmission is tricky to resolve; I have it too.
عمر بدر الدين2024-12-04 11:39
It's normal. If the sound is too loud, it's recommended to check it.
عبدالله عوادة2024-12-03 23:24
It's normal for a solenoid valve to make a "clicking" sound when operating. However, if you think the sound is unusual or it only started after the first maintenance, it's recommended to contact the dealership or a professional technician for a detailed inspection to rule out any potential issues.