How is the test drive of the Land Cruiser? How is the comfort? Please share your thoughts.
Comments( 2 )
حسن إسحاق2024-08-24 11:05
Driving experience: With a weight of 3.3 tons, how do I even drive this thing? It jerks at the start. [I want some peace]
حسن إسحاق2024-08-24 11:02
Feels like driving a boat—the hood is really high. Maybe I'm just used to sedans, so it's really unfamiliar. On narrow roads, it's tough to meet cars, make U-turns, and park in tight spots. Drove back 130 kilometers, half on the highway, and used 190 worth of fuel. Maybe just not used to it yet (it's a 4.0L). As for those saying it's underpowered, it really depends on the person. The 4.0L starts at intersections like any regular family car, definitely can't compare to electric cars. It's pointless to compare it with electric or performance cars—just my personal opinion.