Hey guys, my Land Cruiser tends to pull the steering wheel when driving on bumpy roads, and it doesn't feel very stable. I've already done a wheel alignment, and the mechanic said there's nothing wrong. Is the steering wheel pulling a normal phenomenon?
Comments( 5 )
علي خديجة2024-04-28 23:04
It's normal, gotta hold on tight.
حسين بندر2024-04-25 11:37
Mechanical assistance, it's normal, just need to feedback road feel.
عمر حرب2024-04-23 19:01
That's normal, everyone will rush for it! 👏
سلمان نور الدين2023-04-01 04:25
Could you provide more context or details about the issue you're facing so I can help translate it appropriately?
أحمد عين2023-03-12 17:41
It's normal, just replace the electronic steering.