Hey fellow car enthusiasts, my Lancer's fuel gauge is below the red line, but the fuel light isn't on. I can only fill up 37 liters, but isn't this supposed to be a 50-liter tank? Has anyone tested this?
Comments( 3 )
جلال الدين سعود2023-10-30 01:32
The red line indicates that you can still drive at least 100 kilometers.
حسين يعقوب2023-09-18 09:20
You can keep driving without any issues. If needed, just bring a bottle of gasoline. I used to have a Southeast V3, which basically has the same structure. The last bar of fuel goes down really slowly. 😄
1 replies
نعيم أحمد2023-09-17 20:01
It seems like the older model doesn't have the oil light coming on. I can add up to 40 liters in mine.