Hello everyone, I'd like to ask something. When I cold start my car, the idle speed is quite high and when I release the brake, the power is strong and it just surges forward. But after driving for a few minutes or waiting at a few traffic lights, it starts to lose power. When I release the brake, it moves very slowly, and it only gets a bit better if I press the accelerator. It's a 2007 model with an automatic transmission.
Comments( 3 )
حسين نجيب2023-11-23 11:47
What's your idle RPM, and how long does it take to decrease?
1 replies
نعيم أحمد2023-11-22 22:53
This is normal. When the engine is cold, it injects more fuel, so naturally, it feels more powerful. Once the temperature rises, the fuel injection returns to normal.
حسن أرسلان2023-11-14 21:33
Check the spark plug, ignition coil, and throttle body.