Hey drivers, anyone know why my car suddenly can't accelerate while driving? I press the gas pedal and nothing happens. 😩😩 Then, when I press the brake and then the gas pedal, it accelerates. What's going on? 😎
Comments( 6 )
فهد توفيق2024-10-08 15:18
Check if there's too much carbon buildup on the throttle body [I want to be alone].
أحمد شمس2024-09-18 16:39
Fixing the valve body, don't ask me how I know.
حسين شمس2024-09-18 13:49
Not sure what's going on.
حسين شمس2024-09-18 13:49
I've been experiencing the same issue as you these past couple of days. While driving, suddenly the accelerator stops responding. If I release it and press it again, it works fine.
علي حكم2024-08-02 19:08
When you release the accelerator, you need to press the brake to slow down, and then press the accelerator again to speed up.
أحمد شمس2024-07-12 12:31
This situation is called "gear slipping." This is how AT (Automatic Transmission) works sometimes. The engine speed and the car speed don't match, so the computer doesn't know which gear to engage, and it ends up in neutral. Once you release the accelerator and the engine speed matches the car speed, it engages the gear again, and then you can accelerate. Pay attention to see if this is what's happening.