What is the normal fuel consumption per 100 kilometers for a 2010 Hyundai Accent with a 1.4-liter engine given the current fuel prices?
Comments( 11 )
نايف وهاب2023-03-27 09:50
The oxygen sensor is malfunctioning and the warning light is on. Now, even when driving on the highway, the fuel consumption is more than eight, nearly nine [I need some peace].
أحمد خلوق2023-03-24 23:49
About 0.5 RMB per kilometer.
أحمد خد2023-02-05 16:40
Less than forty bucks.
سلمان شعيب2023-01-16 22:27
Six and a half to seven and a half.
عمر أكرم2022-08-07 15:38
Manual Suburban 5, 8
لحود فهد2022-07-27 11:17
Automatic transmission with eight and a half gears