My Hyundai Accent's front left shock absorber makes a squeaking noise on uneven roads, but there's no noise on flat surfaces. Why is that, and how can I fix it?
Comments( 5 )
خالد ظافر2021-10-11 21:53
It's likely an issue with the stabilizer bar bushing.
لحود فهد2021-10-11 10:14
Mine too, and the steering wheel makes a squeaking noise when turned all the way.
عدي عمر2021-10-10 08:11
Just replace the ball joint and tie rod.
حسن صلاح الدين2020-08-13 22:46
I have the same issue. I changed the ball joint, but it's still making noise.
نايف جابر2020-08-03 00:24
It is likely that your car's suspension system is either loose or lacking oil. You need to lift the car and inspect the system to determine the exact issue.