I have a 2006 Accent, and the current issue is that it won't start. The engine cranks normally when trying to start, and there are no warning lights. However, it can be started by pushing. I've checked the wiring, fuel line, and starter, and everything seems fine. The mechanic here replaced the spark plugs and fuel pump assembly, but it still won't start! Can any expert advise me on this? 🙏
Comments( 3 )
عبدالله فواز2022-04-23 08:35
Issue with the computer board.
محمد زيد دين2020-07-13 22:57
Throttle body cleaned.
حسين كم2020-07-13 16:19
This is probably caused by an issue with the throttle, leading to poor air intake. This situation can cause such problems.