The 2022 Haval H9 is approaching 40,000 kilometers, and I'm not sure how much longer the original spark plugs will last. Fellow car enthusiasts, at how many kilometers did you change your spark plugs? What condition were the spark plugs when you replaced them? Thanks! ***** Also, I've clearly stated it's the Haval H9 and posted this in the Haval H9 section. Please make sure it stays within the Haval H9 circle and not other H9 circles. It's really tiring, you're quite something! *****
Comments( 4 )
سعود أيوب2024-11-22 22:05
It depends on the driving environment; regular off-roading and commuting to work are different.
عبد المجيد علي2024-03-10 06:20
Whether to change or not depends on the situation. Don't waste it if it's not necessary to change.
1 replies
حسين صعدة2024-03-09 21:23
60,000 km service
سعود عَبْدُ الله2024-03-09 16:33
The previous post was shared in the Hongqi H9 community.