Is it possible to add a supercharger or twin-turbo to the new H9 since its power is a bit lacking? Could someone explain this? Thanks!
Comments( 4 )
محمد بشير2024-11-26 12:35
Turn on the Sport mode.
نايف سليم2024-11-23 21:13
Reflash the ECU, replace the intercooler.
عبدالرحمن حازم2024-11-23 19:03
As long as you step on the gas pedal, the power is definitely sufficient.
حسين جم2024-11-23 17:14
It's already a turbocharged engine, so adding another supercharger isn't likely. For general household use, the power is sufficient. If you have the budget, you might want to check out the Tank 500 or the 400 with electric drive, which offers a significant power boost.