Do you think there will be a hybrid version coming out soon?
Comments( 5 )
خضير نايف2024-11-25 10:57
Why not buy the Tank 400 Hybrid? GWM with models like the H5 and H9 mainly just offers diesel. Basically, they're walking on two legs.
زيد خالد2024-11-19 23:41
Adding a battery will cost an additional 100,000, and you'll think it's expensive again.
1 replies
خالد مستعصم2024-11-19 23:13
Waiting for the hybrid version.
حسين جم2024-11-19 12:35
The general trend, the will of the people.
أحمد فريد2024-11-19 11:46
I think it will, and I hope it does. The trend towards having batteries is unavoidable. Look at the pure fuel 500, only true off-road enthusiasts are using it.