مهدي سلمان
2024-12-04 12:11

Is it necessary to install an iron chassis armor on the H6?

Comments( 6 )

علي فريد
علي فريد2024-12-04 20:00
I asked Haval after-sales, and they replied that it depends on the roads you're using your vehicle on! If you're just using it in the city, it's not really necessary.
نايف فريدة
نايف فريدة2024-12-04 17:29
No need, the chassis is high enough.
حسن طائي
حسن طائي2024-12-04 17:05
I was also conflicted about this at first and didn't make the change. It's better to stick with the original. As long as you're not driving on rough roads, there's no need to add an undercarriage guard.
وحيد عبد العزيز
وحيد عبد العزيز2024-12-04 16:18
If you're not messing with the car, then there's no need.
عبدالرحمن ميرزا
عبدالرحمن ميرزا2024-12-04 16:15
Not necessary.
عمر اسماعيل
عمر اسماعيل2024-12-04 14:57
Chassis armor? Are you referring to the underbody shield? It depends on what you need. Metal/steel ones are definitely more durable than the original plastic ones, but they also make more noise compared to plastic.
2 replies