Does the 2024 Classic model come with a new dashcam?
Comments( 3 )
فهد صادق2024-12-03 06:03
No, just buy it yourself. You can get one for about 200 RMB on Pinduoduo, and you can install it yourself. It's just that if you haven't done it before, taking off the cover can be a bit tricky. It took me an hour to get it right. So, it's better to pay a little extra for installation when you buy it. If you go to the store, they'll probably have it done in 5 minutes.
7 replies
خالد بهاء الدين2024-12-03 02:18
Not yet reported.
عبد العزيز جعفري2024-12-03 00:53
The new generation has it, but for older models, you'll need to buy it yourself.