حسين عبد عزيز
2024-10-25 19:26

Does anyone who owns a 2019-2021 model give an honest review? I'm thinking of buying a used one. With a monthly income of 4k, will it be enough for expenses?

Comments( 3 )

عبدالرحمن شاكر
عبدالرحمن شاكر2024-11-30 22:19
That's enough, but it's not ideal for frequent city driving. The fuel consumption is still high in urban areas.
عبدالله طه
عبدالله طه2024-11-22 12:56
The current 4S dealership has a stock car priced at 110,000.
حكيم سلمان
حكيم سلمان2024-10-26 17:52
Not strong enough, bro.