Just wondering, I really like this car's 8AT and 2.5T. But do you know if it has a particulate filter? And is the engine longitudinal or transverse? Also, how's the sound insulation?
Comments( 6 )
عبد العزيز مستنصر2023-12-30 20:16
The powertrain combination isn't great; it's fuel consumption is poor and response is slow. Compared to BBA, it's a clear weakness. The advantage is that the full import build quality and control are good. If the Korean brand continues with its indifferent attitude and firm prices towards the domestic market, it's inevitable that they'll eventually be pushed out. This is the only brand that remains so arrogant towards the domestic market worldwide. In short, I like this car too, but no matter how much I like it, I won't blindly praise it. If they don't appreciate us, we shouldn't try to cozy up to them.
10 replies
خالد عماد2023-12-20 19:44
Longitudinal rear-wheel drive, double-layer laminated glass throughout the vehicle, equipped with GPF (Gasoline Particulate Filter) [rose].
عبد العزيز بكران2023-12-20 00:57
Most models with a "T" usually have it.
حسين عائشة2023-12-19 18:04
Worried about the particulate filter getting clogged.
1 replies
أحمد صادق2023-12-19 15:12
It has a particulate filter, a longitudinal engine, and good sound insulation.
6 replies
حسين كلثوم2023-12-19 13:55
Except for pure fuel Mazda models, most vehicles include it. You might want to check with the sales team about the particulate filter. This indicates one issue: those who are captive have no say. Whatever they feed you, you just have to take it. In short, be cautious when buying a car; once you buy it, you become a target.