Hey fellow drivers, just wanted to ask if any of you experience a strong drag when you let off the gas at low speeds, especially around 20 mph? It feels like the regenerative braking in electric cars. Have you guys encountered this issue?
Comments( 3 )
عبدالرحمن منتصر2024-07-16 17:13
It seems there is, but I haven't really noticed.
1 replies
خالد عماد2024-07-14 22:23
Some eco modes don't have it, but other modes do, because the gear ratios for the 1st and 2nd gears are relatively close. 🌹
1 replies
سعود رومي2024-07-12 12:08
It will adjust to the electric vehicle's braking. Not sure if this is the case for the domestic version or for all versions...