Are there any real car owners who can share their experiences with fuel economy?
Comments( 7 )
عبدالله عوادة2024-08-30 13:35
The reason for buying it is more than 12.
سلمان رومي2024-08-26 14:32
My car has reached 15,000 km, and the overall fuel consumption is 9.7 L/100 km.
عبدالله نجيب2024-08-23 11:28
Almost 10,000 km, various road conditions in Beijing, average 10.6.
مصطفى علي2024-08-23 08:55
In Comfort mode, it's around 12.5 in the city.
عبدالرحمن منتصر2024-07-22 18:51
When the roads are clear, like on a fast road, the lowest could be around 8. Typically, in the city, it's around 12. If there's traffic or rain, it might go up to 15 or 16, or even more.
2 replies
خالد عماد2024-07-21 00:02
10-12 in the city, around 6 on the highway. Of course, it greatly depends on personal driving habits. The dual injection engine's fuel consumption won't be too high with normal driving. 🌹
3 replies
سعود رومي2024-07-20 10:25
Refer to the officially published data, and you can add based on your personal usage.