What kind of car matches the status of earning 9000 a day?
Comments( 13 )
فهد طارق2022-10-01 20:53
Suitable for electric scooters.
نايف رضوان2022-04-18 15:34
Earn 9,000 every day for 365 days, or earn 9,000 on payday each month.
صارم نايف2022-04-18 13:08
It's up to you whether you want to be high-profile or low-profile.
1 replies
خالد باهر2022-04-14 19:26
What does it mean to "fit one's status"? It's not impossible for a wealthy person to drive a car worth around a hundred thousand. [facepalm]
أحمد خلف2022-04-12 16:20
Someone who makes 9,000 a day probably wouldn't be asking this kind of question, right?
1 replies
حسن معتمد2022-04-12 13:33
At this value, I can no longer drive; I can only ride.
نايف مهدي2022-03-12 16:26
That must be a luxury car worth tens of millions: the subway.
سعود سعد2022-03-10 14:57
Take the bus.
نايف حاتم2022-02-09 20:15
Earning millions in one day is not a problem if you don't eat or drink.
1 replies
سعود عبد الوهاب2021-12-08 23:50
Thanks for the invitation. Currently, I'm driving a 530. Since my business stability isn't great, I'm not considering cars worth millions for now. I'm more focused on buying a house.