عبد العزيز لحود
2022-06-25 19:11

Can I buy a GTR with a budget of around 700,000? Please share some tips, guys.

Comments( 8 )

عبد العزيز مبارك
عبد العزيز مبارك2022-10-14 09:08
Just happened to have one personally.
نايف عل
نايف عل2022-10-10 01:37
Is there a chance for the 2008 R35 model?
علي نور
علي نور2022-10-07 03:15
Checking out cars: Older models have lower prices.
2 replies
حسين اميره
حسين اميره2022-10-03 19:40
It can be done, but it may not be feasible.
خالد زاهر
خالد زاهر2022-07-22 22:44
No, but you can go for an Audi A7 with a 3.0T engine. 😁
1 replies
نعيم حسن
نعيم حسن2022-07-22 13:57
I can't. [I want to be alone for a while.]
2 replies
منذر عبدالله
منذر عبدالله2022-07-21 23:59
2 replies
حسن خليفة
حسن خليفة2022-07-11 17:07
For personal use, GTR in unbeatable condition, 82.