فهد سيف
2022-03-18 03:08

Can a Nissan GTR use 95 octane gasoline?

Comments( 15 )

سلمان طيب
سلمان طيب2022-11-19 02:30
It is recommended to use 98-octane fuel.
فهد عمر
فهد عمر2022-11-17 09:09
But you need to add blended gasoline.
4 replies
خالد مكتوم
خالد مكتوم2022-11-15 13:39
Sure, it depends on what type you are buying.
سلمان ماجد
سلمان ماجد2022-11-06 23:05
سلمان سامر
سلمان سامر2022-08-22 05:49
Are there really that many God of War car owners? [I want to be alone]
حسين هادي
حسين هادي2022-07-10 05:14
I usually add 92.
حسين صعب
حسين صعب2022-06-20 13:25
I usually go with 98.
عبد العزيز جابر
عبد العزيز جابر2022-05-30 12:11
Even when you use 92-octane fuel, nobody calls you "smart."
سعود نوح
سعود نوح2022-05-27 10:21
Can it use 95 octane?
سلمان زكريا
سلمان زكريا2022-05-27 01:39
[I want to be alone][I want to be alone][I want to be alone]