حسن يوسف
2022-12-26 20:59

My MG GT experiences jerky acceleration, and there's a squeaking sound when I turn the steering while driving. Additionally, there's a squeaking noise when I rev the engine after parking. What could be the issue?

Comments( 4 )

حسين مصطفى
حسين مصطفى2023-02-19 02:35
There is a lag issue.
عبدالرحمن حكيم
عبدالرحمن حكيم2023-02-10 21:35
The common issue of jerky movement and the squeaking sound when turning the steering wheel seems like a problem with the flat bearing, right? The front suspension of this car feels very loose on concrete roads and makes abnormal noises. Is yours like this too?
1 replies
حسين ميسور
حسين ميسور2023-02-03 23:59
Same here with my car.
ربيع سلمان
ربيع سلمان2023-01-15 17:57
There's a jerking problem while driving. My car has the same issue too.