Is it normal for a 2020 McLaren GT with 6000 kilometers on it to have oil seepage from the oil cooler?
Comments( 4 )
عمر برهان2021-11-13 02:00
Abnormal. An oil cooler leak can cause oil to mix with the coolant, leading to coolant failure. Additionally, long-term high temperatures for the oil can increase consumption and reduce lubrication, resulting in increased wear and tear on engine parts. It's recommended to replace the oil cooler and seals and clean up any previously leaked oil.
عبد العزيز لهب2021-11-12 17:23
It's normal, McLaren has always had minor issues.
خالد يعقوبي2021-11-12 07:58
It's unreasonable for this issue to occur at just 6,000 kilometers.
نايف مجدي2021-11-11 20:09
Are you a mechanic? I've driven my GT for 2000 km, and if you hadn't told me, I wouldn't have known about this feature. 😂😂