How do I get insurance for a McLaren? It's so difficult, all the companies refuse to cover it.
Comments( 7 )
سعود معتمد2023-03-16 09:26
Just getting third-party insurance should be enough, right? I'm also new to this, but after asking a bunch of people, most of them don't buy car damage insurance. First, no one insures it, and second, there's no discount, plus you might have to pay extra. They don't know if you're racing or not. [I want to be alone]
محمد نور دين2022-09-22 22:46
Good to buy.
حسين أنور2022-01-26 15:45
Purchase from a dealership
حسن جليل2022-01-24 19:41
You can buy directly from Pacific.
خالد طلحة2022-01-22 14:24
Insurance is too easy to buy, it's just a bit expensive.