Can I buy it or not? The feedback on the quality really scared me. Guys, any advice?
Comments( 11 )
علي أبو بكر2024-11-28 14:28
Is there any problem with that car forum?
حسن جعفري2024-11-28 12:22
Is there any car that is perfect without any issues?
اميره نايف2024-11-19 10:27
Wouldn't there be more problems if you look at the Edge L hybrid?
2 replies
عبد العزيز مكي2024-11-18 17:46
Bro, make sure to get the 4WD. My car has 32,000 miles and not a single issue.
2 replies
سلمان معتصم2024-11-18 12:59
As long as you like it, don't rely on car forums to decide on buying a car. No joint venture or fully imported car can claim to have no issues. Anyway, my GS8 hybrid four-wheel drive has been pretty good. Apart from having some issues with the panoramic camera and the infotainment system being a bit slow to start, there haven't been any other problems. I'm a real owner and have tested it for two and a half years.
خالد طارق2024-11-18 12:37
Don't buy a car after reading the forum.
نايف رياض2024-11-18 10:32
Minor issues can happen with any car, but there are no major problems, making it cost-effective.
فهد عبد الغفار2024-11-17 20:14
The car infotainment system and minor issues drive you crazy.
3 replies
سعود مجدي2024-11-17 01:22
I just bought it today. As long as you like it, it's all good. Even the best cars can have quality issues.
5 replies
عبد العزيز نادر2024-11-16 22:42
18's first generation G8, no issues in 6 years [grin][grin]