Is there anyone who bought a GS4 in 2024? Please share your reviews. All I can find are reviews from the previous years, which aren't very useful. Could you talk about the fuel economy and whether there are many minor issues? 🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏
Comments( 8 )
عبدالله جلال الدين2024-10-26 16:38
2022 Snow Edition passing by.
عبدالله نور الدين2024-10-17 13:40
Your vehicle is the GAC GS4 Max.
عبدالله نور الدين2024-10-17 13:40
My trunk harness hole is also rusted. I hadn't checked it before, but when I looked at it a month ago, it was already rusted.
سلمان منصور2024-10-14 10:54
Do you ever feel like the car starts off sluggish and the speed just doesn't pick up? It's kind of like the car is too big, but the 1.5T engine isn't quite enough. [I want to be alone][I want to be alone][I want to be alone][I want to be alone] It's the same in standard mode, unless you switch to sport mode.
2 replies
رائد حسن2024-09-25 21:34
In this fast-developing era, I feel like there aren't many cars with high resale value. Every car has its imperfections, and each manufacturer has its own pros and cons. I think the main thing when buying a car is whether you like it or not. As for online reviews, don't pay too much attention to them; it's enough to just glance over them without taking them too seriously.
The key is to consider your driving environment and the practicality of the car, whether you like it, and if buying the car you like will put more financial pressure on you. Buy what you like within your means, so why care about others' opinions? Is there anything real on the internet nowadays? It's all just hired commenters...
عبدالله ميرزا2024-09-11 01:32
The 2023 Tech Edition passed by with no issues!
سعود صلاح الدين2024-09-10 23:49
Why would anyone still spend so much money on this car??? I don't get it.
3 replies
نايف قيس2024-09-09 20:35
Can't go for it. So many years and so many generations, yet the rust issue hasn't been resolved. People think buying the latest model means rust is a thing of the past, but they end up getting caught [angry].