Is there anyone here who bought the GS4 Max in 2024 and can share their experience? I just test drove it a few days ago and really liked it, but the online reviews aren't very positive. People are saying there are a lot of strange noises and minor issues, and that rust is a big problem. How does it compare to the Nissan Qashqai?
Comments( 16 )
عمر نعيم2024-10-28 14:32
It's been two months, still okay.
أحمد مستعصم2024-10-28 13:56
After the first maintenance, the fuel consumption will be significantly lower.
عماد علي2024-10-28 08:51
Every car brand has its small issues, right? But once you buy it and start driving, it's actually quite nice!
رائد حسن2024-09-25 21:33
I think when it comes to cars in this rapidly developing era, there aren't really any cars with high resale value. Besides, no car is perfect; every manufacturer has its pros and cons. I feel that buying a car mainly depends on whether you like it or not. As for online reviews, don't pay too much attention to them or take them too seriously. It's fine to just have a look.
The main thing is to consider your driving environment and practicality, whether you like the car, whether your budget allows it, and whether buying the car you like will put more pressure on your life. Buy what you like within your means; why care about others' opinions? Can you even trust anything online nowadays? It's all just paid reviews...
سعود إدريسي2024-09-22 17:13
After three days on the road and 200 kilometers driven, the fuel economy is at 6.3. The tire noise is well-controlled, but there's a bit of wind noise, although it's still acceptable.
عمر مهدي2024-09-21 21:55
There are many options in this price range. Make sure to check them out and test drive a few.
عبد الرحمن نايف2024-09-21 15:20
I feel like the previous GS4 looked better. I really can't appreciate the look of the current one. [I want to be alone]
نايف خديجة2024-09-21 11:36
It's okay, the price is acceptable.
2 replies
فهد كمال2024-09-21 11:19
This car is great, very satisfying for family use.
حسين عمار2024-09-18 19:55
I just bought this car, and the fuel consumption in the city is around 9.6. When driving in the suburbs, it can go down to about 7. I've been driving for 20 years, so I have a good handle on fuel consumption. I mainly like the space of this compact SUV. The wind noise is quite noticeable at speeds over 60, but given its size, it's understandable. GAC is considered a well-established brand among domestic cars. As long as you can accept this fuel consumption, this car is still pretty good.