سلمان سيف
2023-12-01 20:18

Will buying a Geely lead to significant depreciation?

Comments( 4 )

سعود رائد
سعود رائد2023-12-14 07:47
If you're considering resale value, don't focus on niche brands.
عبدالرحمن شفيع
عبدالرحمن شفيع2023-12-06 11:51
Don't buy! Don't buy! Don't buy! Important things are said three times!
محمد حسن
محمد حسن2023-12-02 21:25
If you're looking to preserve value, I would advise you to invest in real estate.
نايف بلال
نايف بلال2023-12-02 17:19
Maserati: Impossible