The dashboard always switches to miles automatically. Sometimes the wiper gets stuck when pressed once, then resets after pressing again, and only wipes once after another press. When enabling the lock car beep, the keyless entry is overly sensitive, resulting in a series of beeps. 😔 Does anyone else have the same issues?
Comments( 5 )
عبد العزيز شهيد2023-10-19 00:21
The odometer often turns negative, and sometimes it unexpectedly hits over 100, while it's actually close to 150 or 160. [I want to be alone]
1 replies
سعود شفيع2023-10-04 01:20
The wiper got stuck once.
1 replies
محمد حسن2023-10-03 13:28
The unit change on the instrument panel has occurred twice.
1 replies
فهد همام2023-10-01 09:33
I've encountered this dashboard issue several times.
3 replies
حسن ق2023-09-27 01:38
Adjust the instrument settings again. The wipers don't have this problem. Just turn off the sound if you want some peace. [I need some quiet] [I need some quiet]