I wonder how the sales of this car are? It's so hard to choose between the X5 and this one.
Comments( 9 )
عبدالرحمن شفيع2023-09-15 08:56
Choose the X5, definitely choose the X5.
سلمان باسل2023-09-06 19:24
The main consideration is whether your family has a large vehicle. If so, just go for the unique Curry without hesitation. [Thumbs up]
سلمان أمير2023-09-06 12:17
In the Curry car community, someone asked about the 55 Kai.
In the X5 car community, someone asked why everyone chooses the X5.
In summary, choose the X5.
أحمد عبدله2023-09-04 21:57
Women choose Curry, men choose X5.
نايف فادي2023-09-02 21:14
The X5 is too big, not flexible, and hard to park.